Hey Gang.  So this Jewhungry author works for a school now and that means shorter work hours, especially in the month of July.  I don’t really know what to do with myself during all this free time.  I’ve spent a significant amount of time pouring over favorite food blogs and cookbooks and now, I’m drowning in a sea of inspiration and it’s a little overwhelming. I can’t make a decision. Do I bake? Make a meat dish? Try something traditionally Israeli? Ahh, I’m a blessed lady to have these kind of issues 🙂  But anyway, why am I telling you this? Well, I need your help. Make the decision for me. Tell me what to make next! Please? Pretty please?    Maybe there’s a non-kosher dish you’ve always wanted to try but couldn’t because of its treifiness (we occassionally make up words on this blog. Bear with us)? Maybe you’ve been itchin’ for some kind of kosher baked good and need someone else to try it out first?  Or, maybe you just want to see us sweat it out in the kitchen with a meal of your choosing.  Whatever it is, let us know.  We’ll take a few days (maybe til this Sunday night) to gather some suggestions and then take a couple more days to let folks vote for which dish they’d like to see us create.  Ok, now get thinking.



Ready for Devouring

I know what you’re thinking.  This crazy woman lives in Miami.  What the “H” is she doing making soup in June in Miami!?!?!?!  Has all that new hair-coveringbeen constricting the common sense the good Lord gave her!?  Well no.  Here’s the thing.  Folks in South Florida (and the majority of the South) over air condition their environments during the summer.  I mean I do not leave the house without a sweater or hoodie of some sort because guaranteed, when I leave my house, whatever my destination is it will be completely freezing for the entirety of my stay at said destination.  Even though I was born and raised in air-conditioned Hotlanta, I am just not used to all this AC.  And then, as fate would have it, a giant box of organic fruits of vegetables came into my possession.  I thought I was inquiring about a CSA share but as it turns out, I was buying into an organic shoppers club and 5 minutes after my inquiry I was walking away with a giant box of fruits and veggies.  Inside that giant box were two leeks.


At the time, I must confess, I had no idea what they were.  Heck, the guy who I bought the box from told me it was celery root.  But, as it turns out, it was leek! And wouldn’t you know it, my husband has randomly been craving potato leek soup so with a combination of the cravings of a husband, the surprise of leeks and the onset of a cold due to an intense use of AC, I made a pot of potato leek soup.  But not just any potato leek soup, I made the best pot of soup we have ever eaten.  I mean, it was delicious.  So, it may be summer but I’m telling you, if you come in contact with a leek, grab some potatoes and a giant pot and get cooking!


I ended up halving the recipe and we still had leftovers so the recipe below will serve 4.  This is a very hearty soup.  My recommendation is to serve with a nice arugula salad with some parmesan shavings and a nice lemon/olive oil dressing.

  • potatoes, peeled and cut into roughly chopped pieces
  • 3 leeks, whites only, thoroughly washed
  • 2 stalks celery, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 medium onion, peeled and quartered
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 quarts vegetable stock
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 ounces (1/2 stick) melted butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh thyme leaves
  • Salt and pepper
  • Shaved parmasen for serving
  • Chopped green onions for serving

Before the Blending


In a large pot, place potatoes, 2 of the leeks (reserving the rest), celery, regular onion, bay leaf and chicken stock and bring to a boil, about 15-20 minutes. Continue to boil until potatoes are very soft. Whisk flour and butter in small bowl with a fork to make a roux for thickening the soup. Add the remaining leeks, roux, cream, fresh thyme, and salt and pepper. Remove bay leaf. Using an immersion blender (or in batches in a blender or food processor), blend soup until smooth. Pour into a medium pot and simmer for 5 – 8 more minutes until soup has thickened.  Serve with parmasen and green onion on top.


I went to a pretty fantastic brunch a week or two ago.  The food was beyond amazing.  One of my favorite bites was something that I’ve been dying to share with you.  Have you ever wanted to have a quick and easy trick (dish) up your sleeve?  Not literally, silly.  Of course you don’t want to walk around with a plate tucked into that summer tank top.  You’d look stupid.  That wouldn’t even make sense on Gaga.  Seriously.  Haven’t you wanted to have something that you could throw together at the last-minute.  Haven’t you wanted to be a magician with food?  Of course you have.  What’s more?  Of course I’m here to tell you a life changing little something that will transform your personal curb appeal.

In a word?  Fruit Dip.

Fine.  So that’s two words.  Whatever.  It’s life changing.


I have a hard time with fruit because my inner 5-year-old says things like oranges look like baby fingers when they’re in pieces and when I chew them it feels like I have a mouth full of skin.  Alright.  So I’m sharing too much about my possibly eccentric personality.  I’ve got issues.  What I’m trying to tell you is that fruit dip tastes good.  You might eat a baby finger just to get some.  I’m not kidding.  My favorite thing to eat it with is strawberries, but you can use it on just about anything.  Trust me when I say you’re going to want to eat it on everything.


1 package cream cheese (8oz)

1 small jar of marshmallow fluff (7.5 oz)



Throw your room temperature package of cream cheese into a stand mixer, add the jar of marshmallow fluff.  Mix until it’s creamy, beautiful and smooth.


Easy, right?  Crazy easy.  Fine.  So I said that I was hell-bent on getting corn syrup out of our lives.  I’m making an exception.  Besides, if this will get you to eat more fruit, it’s worth it.  Slice up some strawberries, melon, grapes, whatever fruit you have around and watch your fruit and this dip disappear.  You’ll be the most popular person on your block.  I promise.

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