Challehnnnnge (Cosby show, anyone? Anyone?)

Hey Gang.  So this Jewhungry author works for a school now and that means shorter work hours, especially in the month of July.  I don’t really know what to do with myself during all this free time.  I’ve spent a significant amount of time pouring over favorite food blogs and cookbooks and now, I’m drowning in a sea of inspiration and it’s a little overwhelming. I can’t make a decision. Do I bake? Make a meat dish? Try something traditionally Israeli? Ahh, I’m a blessed lady to have these kind of issues 🙂  But anyway, why am I telling you this? Well, I need your help. Make the decision for me. Tell me what to make next! Please? Pretty please?    Maybe there’s a non-kosher dish you’ve always wanted to try but couldn’t because of its treifiness (we occassionally make up words on this blog. Bear with us)? Maybe you’ve been itchin’ for some kind of kosher baked good and need someone else to try it out first?  Or, maybe you just want to see us sweat it out in the kitchen with a meal of your choosing.  Whatever it is, let us know.  We’ll take a few days (maybe til this Sunday night) to gather some suggestions and then take a couple more days to let folks vote for which dish they’d like to see us create.  Ok, now get thinking.