Summer Salad

I have always wanted to be one of those people that makes his own salad dressing (and bread and soup and ketchup and everything else).  Admitting that probably reveals that I’m also one of those people who searches out corn syrup free dressings and condiments.  What that means is I spend a lot of time in the store reading with a furrowed brow and cranky eyes.  I don’t care what those commercials say.  Corn should not be in my bread, my ketchup AND my turkey slices.  It’s gross and I’ve got a beach body to maintain, y’all.  It’s summer.  Not that corn isn’t delicious.  I just prefer it slightly grilled and nowhere near my french fries.  It’s hard to have the time or patience to make everything yourself and try to have some semblance of grace on your face.  OR…is it?

I’m giving myself a salad goal this summer.  I’m going to make a few summer salads.  I’m also going to make the dressing that I have with those salads.  How does that sound?  I hope it sounds easy because you know I have the tiniest slip of patience.  If it ain’t easy…I’m not going near it.  Well, I certainly won’t write about it here.  Let’s make salad dressing together this summer!!!

I’ve been dreaming lately of a salad with strawberries, blue cheese and pecans.  Can I call that a Summer Waldorf Salad?  Probably not…and you know that means that’s exactly what I’m going to call it.  It’s a super easy salad.  I’ve already told you everything you need to know about it.  OH!  Except!  Did you know that strawberries are one of the fruits that you should always try to buy organic?  Dr. Oz tells me that in order to get strawberries out to us on time many (almost all) strawberry farmers spray their crops heavily with chemicals to speed up the growth process?  Look for organic versions to avoid such nonsense.  The strawberry is also one of the fruits that are overloaded with antioxidants.  So we should be eating more of them…just not the ones that are covered in cancer.  Mkay?


1 box mixed greens

1 box ORGANIC strawberries

1 small bag of pecans

1 tub of blue cheese (maybe goat cheese or gorgonzola if you hate the blue)


Throw your mixed greens in a big bowl, toss in your bag of blue cheese and pecans.  Wash your strawberries, slice and toss them in as well.  You’re basically done.  Now all you need is salad dressing.


Strawberry Vinaigrette


1 cup olive oil

1/2 pint strawberries

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 teaspoon white sugar



I hope you’ve got a pareve blender or food processor.  Throw the strawberries in and pulse while adding the vinegar and olive oil.  Once that’s blended well you’ll add your salt pepper and sugar.  You’re done.  You’ve also got a little fresh strawberry vinaigrette for your Summer Waldorf Salad!
