Hey Y’all, Jeremy here. You’ve probably noticed that I am not the greatest blogger that the world has ever known. My posts for JewHungry are sporadic at best. I think the time has come for me to jump off of this fast-moving train. That’s not to say I won’t be back occasionally. I’m just better at this whole blogging thing when I’m given an assignment. I’ve always needed rules and regulations. Too much time and freedom freaks me out. I’m agorophobic in that way. Any who. . .this isn’t the last you’ll hear from me, but I wanted to at least give you the courtesy of saying good-bye for now along with a little post and recipe for you.

One of the things that freaked me out most about deciding to eat Kosher was the absence of Mexican food in my life. I’ve been known to wrestle for a taco. Tacos are worth fighting for, y’all, but my Mexican food love doesn’t stop there. I’m pretty sure that my Mexican Food main squeeze is the enchilada. They’re like the illegitimate child of the taco and the burrito. Soft outside. Delicious inside. AND? They come with their own sauce.

I mean…COME ON!

I’ve been trying really hard to cook as much as possible this year. I’ve gone from ordering out a few times to week to ordering out just a couple times a month. Sometimes we’re not even ordering out that much. I’m not always cooking crazy Julia Child worthy meals, but the food is whole and real. I’m proud of that. I can actually feel the difference.

One of the changes I’ve tried to make recently is to not eat a lot of meat. I’m not mad at meat. Chicken is delicious. So is Beef. I just don’t know that I need to have them every day. This is not a hard and fast rule for myself, but it makes me think about the choices that I’m making. It makes me aware of what’s going into my body. I like having to think harder about my food choices. That’s one of the beautiful things about eating Kosher.

In trying to eat less meat, one of my new go-to recipes is for vegetarian enchiladas. This recipe is pretty simple and quick to prepare. You can add things to it if you want. It’s a sorta DIY-er.

Shalom Y’all . . . for now, Jeremy


1 onion, chopped

1 green pepper chopped

1 red pepper chopped

3 teaspoons olive oil

1 garlic clove, minced

2 cans black beans

1 can whole kernel corn

1 can (4 oz) chopped green chilies

1 (or 2 if you’re feelin’ like kickin’ it up a notch) cans of Rotel

1 package of taco seasoning mix

6 whole wheat tortillas (8 inches)

2 cups (1 can) enchilada sauce

1 package of shredded cheese (whatever flavor you like is perfect)


Pre-heat your oven to 350.

Start by frying up that onion with your olive oil. Everything good starts this way. Once the onion is tender toss in your chopped peppers and let that cook for a couple minutes. Toss in your beans, corn, chillies and Rotel. Make sure to drain the corn and Rotel before you add them to the mix. Those items are usually pretty watery and can slow down your cooking process. Once this is mixed well bring it to a slow simmer. Once you see some bubbling happening, you’ll add your taco seasoning and minced garlic. If you’re noticing that your mixture is super watery, just cook off the water. It’s really your call here. There are no rules. You just want this to be thick enough so that you can fill tortillas without throwing this all over yourself and the kitchen. Once the mixture is at a pretty thick and manageable consistency you can start spooning it into tortillas. Don’t go crazy filling these. You want to put the mix into the tortillas, roll them up and then line them in a 9 x 13 casserole dish. Once you’ve got them lined in the dish, you’ll pour the enchilada sauce over the top and sprinkle generously with cheese. Pop them in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the cheese is melted. You’re ready to go.


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