roasted potato and leek kosher soup jewhungry



I’m having a love/hate relationship with food lately. By ‘love’, I mean, you know, I want to eat yummy food all the time.  By ‘hate’, I mean I don’t have the energy for it any more. And this isn’t just a  post-high holiday thing. This is all about trying to find the time and energy to feed a two year-old every. single. day.  And I only have one! Good LORD! One of my closest friends has 2 toddlers and 1 baby! How the hell does she do it!?


Roasted potato and leek soup with jalapeno oil jewhungry kosher


For those just joining me in this weird journey, I’m currently living a life of temporary single parenthood.  It’s important to note that this set up of mine is, in fact, temporary. I have the privilege of having a supportive and loving husband.  We call each other, he offers me emotional support and he comes to visit every so often (more on why I’m in this situation here).  The parts of this temporary single parent status that I expected to stink (time has become my most sought after currency. I got up at 5:30am PST just to finish this post) but the part of this situation that I didn’t expect is the effect this has had on our meal times.

For more on this story and the recipe for my roasted potato and leek soup with jalapeño oil, run on over to The Nosher.  Click here!



London broil Jewhungry kosher blog

Hello from the West Coast! It’s been quite a while since my last post but I’m so grateful for those who keep coming back! Thanks you! I’ve been finding it increasingly difficult to find the time, or rather, motivation to go through the whole process of cooking, taking pictures, editing pictures and then editing it a post. It’s strange because lately I’ve been seized with a very strong urge to craft that the food blogging process is not really satisfying. It’s not helping that my Instagram feed currently contains a hodgepodge of super creative women who somehow have the time and money to craft like there’s no tomorrow. My beloved friend, Jessie, and I have created a semi-weekly holiday of “Wine Down Wednesday”, which consists of the following activities:

1. Watching the latest episode of The Mindy Project.

2. Drinking (cheap) wine — no box wine is too good for us!

3. Dreaming up crafting projects that most likely will never happen (our current project is what is called a “silent book”, an activity book for the kid made entirely of felt),

4. Waxing poetic about the state of the world.

5. Drinking more wine.

Jewhungry kosher London food blog

London kosher jewhungry food blog



London kosher Jewhungry food blog

It’s these little made up holidays that are getting me through this time and helping me remember that I gotta take care of myself by giving myself little outlets that allow me to be me and not just “mom” me or “school counselor” me. And yet, the biggest news in my world is not the invention of the greatest mini-holiday ever (aside from Fancy Coffee Friday). Nope, the biggest news is that, at 34 years of age, I have finally established and am living on (and understand!) a real budget. Friends, there are many things I can say that I’m good at however, money is not one of them. Without getting too personal or divulging more than my genteel Southern upbringing would allow me, let’s just say that money managing has never been my strong suit. That being said, this year of paying for 2 lives and Jewish Day school has meant that my family has no choice but live on a very strict budget and damn it but if it isn’t the strangest mix of freedom and restriction I’ve ever felt. I now have visions of sipping coffee with Suze Orman and discussing the development of a teen girls money managing campaign where we teach teenage girls (as they are the population who are most targeted by the advertising world and thus more likely to spend, spend, spend as they try to buy their confidence rather than develop it internally). There’s so much freedom and privilege in having money and knowing how to manage and maintain it. I get it now it (Mom, are you listening! It finally happened!)


London Jewhungry kosher food blog


So speaking of budgets, another way in which budgeting has helped me is by forcing me to get creative with grocery shopping and cooking. My favorite thing to do is to make one focus in a meal (like roasting a London Broil) and then remixing it in several different ways.  Thus, this recipe. I made Jamie Geller’s Balsamic London Broil recipe for her latest cookbook, “Joy of Kosher: Fast, Fresh Family Recipe“, for lunch on Sukkot. I then remixed it on the Sunday following that Shabbat and made it into a sumptuous open face sandwich for my husband and the salad featured in this post for myself.  The salad dressing I made for my salad was also used as a delicious sauce for the hubby’s sandwich. The dressing consists of only a few simple ingredients and ultimately costs me way less than if I purchased bottled dressing.  The recipe is very Shabbat-friendly and kid-friendly too. Plus, you know, it’s really delicious. Have a great week!

Autumn Balsamic London Broil Salad with Non-Dairy Ranch

Recipe and instructions for London Broil found here

Dressing Ingredients:

1/2 Cup mayonnaise

1/2 Cup almond milk

Handful of fresh dill, finely chopped

3 Tbsp of finely chopped chives

1/2 Tsp salt

1/2 Tsp pepper

1 Tsp garlic powder

Dressing Instructions:

Combine dressing ingredients in a medium-sized bowl and mix very well.  Add more mayo or almond milk based upon your preference of dressing thickness.

Salad Ingredients:

3 Cups of kale, chopped

2 sweet potatoes, chopped small and roasted (I roast mine seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper at 400 degrees for 40 minutes)

1/2 Cup shredded carrots

Roasted garlic and onions from broil

1 Cup of green beans, blanched

Several slices of London Broil, sliced to 1/8 inch thickness (which basically means sliced thin enough to chew but not too thin that you can’t find it in the salad).

*Assemble salad ingredients, pour on that dressing and enjoy!




Kosher Jewhungry blog scones Apple cheddar title

 *The bit o’rant below was submitted to Kveller, who said they liked it (maybe that’s true?) but ultimately, apparently, was not selected for publication as it’s too similar to another post they published last year, which makes me sad not because I got denied (ugh), but because as a community, we are no where close to answering this question of connection. Anywho, I decided I’d post it on my own blog, so there. 

Recently, Kveller posted two incredibly intriguing blog posts regarding whether or not one should force their kids to attend synagogue during the High Holidays. I found these posts intriguing not because this question of whether or not someone should force their child to attend synagogue is particularly interesting to me at this stage of my parenting life (I have a 2 year-old. There’s no way she’d make it past the first self-inflicted chest pound of Yom Kippur).  Rather, I found these posts interesting because lately, as I’m adding up the costs of my child’s preschool attendance at a local synagogue’s Early Childhood Center with the costs of other Jewish community memberships (i.e. Jewish summer camp, women’s mikvah in LA, synagogue, and/or JCC), I realized, we can’t afford the High Holidays this year so it doesn’t matter if we are a family who would force our kids to attend synagogue, we can’t afford to have an opinion on the matter.

Eileen Price wrote in her post, “. . . practicing Judaism is not a punishment; it is a privilege and a gift.”  It certainly is a privilege.  My family lives in Los Angeles.  I work at a private Jewish Day school as an administrator. I make a pretty decent salary.  My husband currently lives in Miami where he is finishing his Ph.D. He does not make a pretty decent salary. Our budget for the year includes rent for 2 apartments, 2 grocery bills, 2 utility bills, you get the point. This year is tough for us in many ways, not just financially. That being said, we are in no way NOT privileged. Our apartment in LA is in Beverly Hills, for crying out loud (90212, technically the ‘slums’ of Beverly Hills)! We knew going into this year that things were going to be tight and we would need to account for every penny. What we did not take into account for our budget this year was the astronomical costs of attempting to pray with a community during the High Holidays.

apple cheddar kosher scones Jewhungry blog

When we first moved to LA in July, my husband found a synagogue in walking distance that offered him all the comforts of home (home being Teaneck, New Jersey) while also having play groups for our kiddo and a women’s section that was almost the same size as the men’s section. I was in. So when he looked into tickets for High Holidays we were floored when we found out the costs: $500 for membership (young adult discount!) plus an addition $175/person for High Holiday tickets (more discounts!). Yes! For the discounted cost of $800 we could be a part of a community for the High Holidays. When that was immediately vetoed, I called Chabad. Here’s how that went:

Me: “Hi. Do you require tickets to attend your Rosh Hashanah services?”

Chabad: “Not at all!”

Me: “Wonderful! What time do services start?”

Chabad: “You can, however, reserve a seat for $300 otherwise, you can stand.”

Me: “Kthanksbye”

apple cheddar kosher Jewhungry blog


It’s now the Tuesday post-Rosh Hashanah and my husband ended up davening alone in our apartment.  He did walk to that Chabad but there were so many people crowding the entrance he couldn’t hear a thing.  He finally made his way to another shul where they literally had a velvet rope affixed in front of the door and a person with a clipboard checking names. After consulting with a club membership director, they actually let my hubby in to hear the shofar (I think it helped that he had our 2 year-old with him) and then left. He came home feeling humiliated and let down by our community, which, of course, brought me back to those previous Kveller High Holiday posts.

5775 Family Photo

5775 Family Photo

We’re at a turning point in our community. We keep asking the question of why our young people are marrying outside the religion and why our young couples are unengaged. Maybe the answer to that question is because it’s too dang expensive to be a part of the community. Maybe it’s because practicing Judaism really is a privilege when, in fact, it should be a given. Families like mine are having to make choices between saving for retirement and paying for a day school education. I’m not saying I have the answer to this.  My husband suggested maybe an exchange of goods.  Rather than have synagogues pay out the nose for guest cantors and Rabbis, he’d be happy to lein Torah in exchange for High Holiday tickets. I’d be happy to provide childcare several times or cater a kiddish lunch or two throughout the year in exchange for tickets. Whatever the answer, I’d like to see conferences and workshops dedicated to figuring out how practicing Judaism can be something that doesn’t require membership to a certain tax bracket. Or how synagogues can meet their budget requirements without alienating the community. It’s time, y’all.

apple cheddar scone kosher jewhungry blog


Balsamic Apple Cheddar Scones


  • 3-1/2 cups All-purpose Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 12 Tablespoons Cold Unsalted Butter, Cut Into Small Cubes
  • 1/3 pound Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Cut Into Small Cubes
  • 2-3 Medium Red Apples (Red Delicious or Gala will do just fine), peeled and cubed.
  • 3 Tablespoons butter (for apple sautéing)
  • 1/2 cup Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Heavy Cream
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1 whole Egg
  • 4 Tablespoons honey
  • 2 Tablespoons melted butter
  • 3-4 Tablespoons brown sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
  2. Using a large frying pan, melt 3 Tbsp unsalted butter over medium high heat. Once melted, add cubed apples and sauté until golden brown, roughly 5 minutes. Add balsamic vinegar and sauté for another 2-3 minutes or until vinegar is mostly absorbed by apples. Set aside.
  3. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  4. Add cubes of butter and use a pastry cutter to completely work the butter into the dry ingredients until there are no large chunks of butter visible. (Mixture should resemble coarse crumbs. Add the cheddar cubes and apples with vinegar and toss to coat.
  5. Mix together the cream, milk, egg, and honey.
  6. Pour over the flour/butter mixture, stirring gently, until the dough all comes together. (It will be slightly dry/crumbly.)
  7. Turn out onto a floured surface.
  8. Flour a rolling pin and roll out until 1 inch thickness.
  9. Flour the rim of a larger round cookie cutter (I used a large juice glass) and cut into roughly 20-25 circles.
  10. Spread melted butter on top of each scone and sprinkle with brown sugar.
  11. Transfer to a baking sheet lines with a baking mat or parchment, then bake for 14-17 minutes, or until lightly golden. (Cheese will bubble out a bit. This is fine!)

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