Curry Pizza Jewhungry Kosher Blog

Have you ever been so proud of someone and so in awe that it literally takes your breath away? That’s how I feel about Erin Zaikis, founder of Sundara, a non-profit organization that works to ensure holistic public health solutions by combining hygiene initiatives with community education, environmental preservation and female empowerment whenever possible for communities in need. How did I become so blessed to know someone so inspiring?

Curry Pizza Jewhungry Kosher Blog

The year was 2007. I had just sold everything I owned, packed what little I had left (and my dog) into my Honda CRV and moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan to work and save money before my big year-long sojourn in Jerusalem.  My beloved friend, Joel, had gotten me a part-time job at the University of Michigan’s Hillel as a Jewish Student Life Program Director. I was 27 and a little lost but felt like things were about to change . . . dramatically.

I started in October, after school had already begun and relationships already solidified. I was a little nervous the students would be all, “Who’s this chick and why is she late to the party?” Of course, they weren’t. We’re talking about Michigan students here! The best of the best (go Blue)! One of the first students I met was one Miss Erin Zaikis. Erin was (and remains) incredibly hilarious, incredibly grounded and incredibly real; some of my favorite qualities in a woman. We connected instantly—bonding over such deep subjects as hip hop music, our love of diverse cultures and no one believing that we’re actually Jewish. After about 7 months and a dramatic burn injury, I ended up leaving Ann Arbor earlier than expected and moving in with my mom in Asheville, NC. I went about my life and so did Erin.  Thanks to Facebook, I was able to keep up a bit on what this woman was getting up to.  I knew she was traveling and exploring and I was happy that she was able to do all those things. What I didn’t realize (but should have) was that she was hatching a plan.

Curry Pizza Jewhungry Kosher Blog

While working in rural northern Thailand, Erin visited a local school. When she arrived, she used the bathroom, but when looking for the soap, there was none to be found. She asked the students if they had any soap at the school but just saw blank stares. So she asked if they washed their hands after going to the bathroom, or before eating. They all shook their heads no.

Stunned by this, Erin went to the nearest town and bought out their supply of soap to bring back to the school. She proceeded to conduct an impromptu hand-washing workshop. However, many of these children had never washed their hands before: they were fumbling the bars of soap in their hands and smacking it against their faces, unsure of what to do with it that was her light bulb moment!

Upon Erin’s return to the US, she found that the leading causes of death in children worldwide are illnessesthat could be prevented with a bar of soap. This problem she saw in Thailand actually existed all around the developing countries. In fact, according to a recent Unilever study, there are 70 million people in India alone that don’t know what soap is!

Sundara India Photo Soap Recycling

Sundara India Photo Soap Recycling

Approximately 3.5 million die of diarrhea and respiratory diseases each year according to the Centers of Disease Control. Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of infection and illness, and is more effective, yet cheaper, than any vaccine on the market. With this in mind, Sundara was born.

Erin took a few minutes out of her world-saving schedule to answer a few questions for me. I hope you are as inspired by her work as I am. And even if you can’t go to India/Ghana/Haiti to physically join Erin in her efforts, you can help by donating to Sundara. To read more about Erin, check out this profile of her in The Huffington Post. Also, after this interview is a recipe for curry pizza with roasted cauliflower and eggplant.


Curry Pizza Jewhungry Kosher blog

Me: How did you start Sundara?

Erin: Last year, while working in a small village in Thailand I went to visit a school and met children who didn’t know what soap was. I went to the bathroom – these students had sinks and running water – but no soap. So I drove to the neighboring town, bought out their supply of soap and brought it back with me. I watched as the children opened the packages of soap and clawed at the bars, some smacking it against their heads, having absolutely no idea what to do with it. Then I realized, so many organizations focus on clean water but who is working on providing soap and hygiene education to these communities? Upon my return to the US I quit my job and decided I had to do something about this. I founded a soap company which later rebranded as a nonprofit that designs and funds sustainable hygiene programs for underserved communities in Haiti, Ghana and India.

Me: Who/what inspires you?
Erin: I have so many heros who provide constant inspiration to me when I’m feeling down and frustrated. I’m inspired by all mothers – I believe that is truly the hardest job in the world. I’m inspired by people who fail and get up time after time to try again. I’m inspired by people with disabilities who don’t see themselves as being anything less. I’m inspired by the taxi cab driver I just met from Nepal tonight who came here by himself to earn enough money to send his only daughter to college. I’m inspired by everyone who follows their passion. The world needs more people who feel alive!
Me: Does your Judaism play a role in your goals, both personally and professionally? If so, how?
Erin: I think one of the biggest parts of living ‘Jewishly’ for me means remembering where you came from and using that as motivation to lend a hand to others. Being Jewish for me meant a childhood full of eating heavy Ashkenazi foods and hearing countless stories of thousands of years of suffering (am I right?). But how great is it that we are finally in a position to help others? I’m so proud to be a Jew running an organization that helps people who aren’t Jewish – (and let’s be honest, might not ever meet a Jew in their lives). That to me is such a huge success story of how far we have come as a people – and now we can give back to others who aren’t a fortunate.
Me: What are your long-term goals?
Erin: I take so much joy out of being able to have my own nonprofit, but I know that in the end this will work better if we hand over the real ownership to the locals and have the support and trust of every community that we work in. On a domestic level, I hope that we can increase awareness of the real hygiene and sanitation issues around the world. I believe that acknowledgment is the first step in fixing any issue, so if we can draw more interest in this issue, one day in the not so distant future no child will be asking what soap is. That would be a real dream come true!
Me: What’s your earliest food memory?
Erin: I remember my dad always making my older sister and I Annie’s Mac n Cheese from the purple box when we came back from school. Remember that stuff? We used to mix in frozen peas and call it a “healthy snack”…oh how times have changed! That white cheddar powder was just the bomb. I could eat that straight up with my fingers.
Me: Favorite comfort dish to make?
Erin: Moroccan chicken! The best for a cold wintery day like the one’s we’ve been having over in NYC lately. Enjoy with some red night and trashy TV and you’ve got yourself a killer night. Take a whole chicken, trim off all the fat, wash and let dry. Place in a slow cooker with chopped onions, garlic, turnips, carrots, raisins, dried apricots, prunes and russet potatoes (or sweet potatoes). Add Ras-el-hanout (Moroccan spice that tastes amazing with just about everything) and a corn starch and let cook for 4-8 hours. Enjoy!
curry pizza jewhungry kosher blog
Curry Pizza with Roasted Cauliflower and Eggplant
1 large lavash
1 medium eggplant, sliced to 1 inch thickness
1 medium cauliflower, sliced length-wise so that you have nice, wide, flat florets
1 cup curry sauce (I used prepared curry sauce, it’s just easier)
1/2 Haloumi cheese, cubed
1 – 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp T
umeric1/2 tbsp Kosher salt
1/2 tbsp Garlic powder
Directions for roasting cauliflower and eggplant:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Place sliced eggplant on paper towel and cover with kosher salt. Let sit for roughly 20 minutes (or more!) so that the kosher salt can draw out excess moisture. After 20 minutes or so, pat dry with paper towel.  Place eggplant slices and cauliflower slices on baking sheets. Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with tumeric and garlic powder and roast for 30 minutes or until nicely browned.
Directions for pizza:
Cover lavash with curry sauce (I like mine sauce-y but you should put the amount on your lavash that fits your taste preferences).  Sprinkle with half of your mozzarella cheese. Cover the cheese with your roasted eggplant and cauliflower as well as your cubed Haloumi. Cover that with more mozzarella. Sprinkle with kosher salt.
Place pizza on round pizza baking sheet and cook for 15 minutes. If you notice that your mozzarella is starting to brown but your Haloumi isn’t, change your oven setting to a low broil and let brown for 2 minutes. Once done, top with chopped cilantro and serve hot.

Date and Tahini Protein Smoothie Jewhungry Blog

It’s 7am and both the husband and the child are still sleeping. We’re on ‘vacation’ time now so the kid has been going to sleep at around 9pm, which means she’s been sleeping until 8ish and we are all loving every second of it.  I thought I might steal a few quiet moments to myself this morning—fresh cup of brewed coffee, sitting chair all to myself—-to finish this post in peace. I’m kinda excited about it (well if that’s not the nerdiest thing to be excited about, I’m not sure what is).

Date and tahini protein smoothie Jewhungry the blog


Date and tahini protein smoothie Jewhungry the blog

So it’s New Year’s Eve (day) or, as my mother-in-law would call it, erev New Year’s. I gotta say, I don’t get too caught up in this new year’s.  I really, and not to sound like a pretentious boob, but I really get caught up in Rosh Hashanah. I don’t make resolutions or get too nostalgic around the 31st.  I do, however, get extremely reflective during Rosh Hashanah. I remember the Rosh Hashanah before she was even conceived. I prayed so hard to get pregnant that year. I mean I implored myself to Gd to get pregnant. I felt it in my bones. I have never felt that kind of spirituality while waiting in line at a club in Chicago for an overpriced (and usually over hyped) NYE party in the early 2000s.  I mean I’ve certainly prayed while waiting in line at a club in Chicago for an overpriced NYE party and I DEFINITELY prayed after those parties.  If I remember correctly, I think those prayers went a little like this:

“Oh dear Gd who is in heaven, please send a cab my way. I realize that this is the lamest thing to pray for but it’s 14 degrees in Chicago tonight and I’m not properly dressed for this weather because my real winter coat is chin to ankle-length and hauling that thing around the club was not in the cards tonight. There was no way I was going to pay $20 to check my coat when I paid $80 to get into the club. I mean, that’s just good budgeting. Am I right? Also? These shoes are killing me (but dannnnng, they look fierce) so could you help a sister out? Please? Anything? No? Fair call.”

Date and tahini protein smoothie Jewhungry the blog

Ahhhh, those days are long gone.  Gone are the days when I felt internal pressure to have a good time on NYE.  I feel absolutely no internal need (spurned on by what the kids are now calling, FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out) to prove to the world or social media that I know how to party and I’d like to take a moment to thank my mid-30s for that.  Nope. For the past 3 NYEs, my husband and I have had the same ritual. He makes some slammin’ homemade sushi while I set up our porch with the air mattress and all the pillows and blankets so that it’s very comfortable and we watch whatever movie we’ve finally agreed upon while eating said sushi and downing some sort of bubbling adult beverage.  Some times we make it to midnight. Some times we don’t.  Either way, there’s no praying to Gd for help with anything during NYE as of late. Those prayers of help have turned into prayers of thanks and I’m ever so grateful for that progression.

Testing out my new light with my favorite model

Testing out my new light with my favorite model

Moving right along, in my quest to be a teeeeensy bit more healthy (read: no longer eat pasta at minimum 3 nights a week) and to embrace the fact that I can officially no longer eat like a 25 year-old, I’ve taken to eating banana-based protein smoothies for breakfast and it’s actually been good for me. My favorite has really been anything with almond milk and banana with the addition of raw cocoa nibs.  Raw cocoa nibs can be expensive but they’ll last a long time so I do recommend the investment. I’ve been known, from time to time, to make one of these here protein smoothies for the kiddo, throw some cocoa nibs in there and call it a chocolate milk shake. She totally buys it.  Ha, ha. Sucker.

Date and tahini protein smoothie Jewhungry the blog


Date and Tahini Protein Smoothie


1 ripe banana
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup peanut butter
2 cups of almond milk (I like mine more ‘milky’ than a thick shake so cut it down by 1 to 1/2 a cup if you like it thicker)
1/2 cup pitted dates (roughly 8-9 dates)

2 tbsp raw cocoa nibs
1 tbsp flaxseed
2 tbsp cocoa or carob powder


Place all ingredients into blender (preferrably a Vitamix or another aggressive blender) and blend for 20 – 30 seconds or until all ingredients are smooth.

Mexican Egg Bake Jewhungry the BLog

I couldn’t access the accent over the “E”, so please do excuse my spelling of “Olé”


Shalom! How was everyone’s holiday? Fantastic? Not so much? Ours was frikkin’ fantastic. I’m sorry, I can’t contain it. My regular life consists of work, entertaining/making sure my toddler turns into a nice person, episodes of Call the Midwife and sleep. So when the holidays came around and school went on break and my husband came into town for 2 whole weeks, I decided we were going to live it up.  And by “live it up”, I mean scour Air b n’ b for cheap deals on other people’s finished basements so that we can take a family trip to Joshua Tree. We finally found a place and it was heaven. It’s weird if you think about it—-the fact that we spent 3 nights and 4 days in someone’s attached studio apartment for our vacation—-but the inexpensiveness of it all helps one to get past that weirdness.  Anyway, our small little family hit the road for Joshua Tree. We went hiking in the park, broke out the husband’s birthday gift, a toddler backpack for carrying the kiddo during hikes, and climbed a bunch of cliffs. There were multiple occasions when I thought to myself  “For sure, if my mom was here, she’d have passed out by now out of sheer anxiety/fear not only because of the heights but because our 2 and a half year-old also did a little rock climbing herself”.  Ahhh, oh well. We made it out alive and discovered that the kid likes to climb. Since returning home, she’s attempted to climb into her crib just for the thrill of it.


Mexican Egg Bake Jewhungry the Blog


Mexican egg bake Jewhungry the blog

We’ve got one more week of winter break left and there are big plans for some home improvement projects and d.i.y. craft projects. I’ve got the husband for one more week and I hope to use my time wisely.  I’ve gone crazy on Pinterest lately (if you follow me you’ll notice that my board, “Suuuuuure, I’m gonna make that” has been seeing A LOT of action in the last week). The other thing I’m going to do is cook . . . a lot. It’s embarrassing to admit, but now that I’m officially in my mid-30s, it’s time I FINALLY regulate my carb intake, which means I’m making a lot of smoothies and a lot of egg dishes.  Below is one of those dishes. The inspiration came from an AMAZING baked egg dish I had for brunch at Michael’s Genuine Food and Drink in Miami. It was ooey, gooey and smothered in cheese.  Pretty much how I like all my food. But since I’m obsessed with cilantro and black beans, I decided to add my own flair to the dish.  This dish is packed with protein and perfect for brunch, lunch and/or dinner. It really doesn’t matter. It’s also extremely adaptable. If black beans and cilantro aren’t your thing, try using what you like—- cubed butternut squash and parmesan or spinach and feta. The choice is yours, my friend. Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy! Oh! Also, I included a few photos from our Joshua Tree vacation just for funsies.

Mexican egg Bake Jewhungry the blog


Jewhungry the blog

Jewhungry the blog


Jewhungry the blog


Jewhungry the blog

Mexican Egg Bake


1 can diced tomatoes (preferably with jalapeno)
2 tbsp tomato paste
4 eggs (or more depending on how many ramekins you need)
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 tbsp kosher salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup shredded cheese
Fresh cilantro for garnish


*Serving size will depend upon how many ramekins you have. The instructions below reflect the amount needed for 4 ramekins.

1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Empty diced tomatoes into medium saucepan and heat over medium high heat.  Add the tomato paste and stir.  Bring to a boil and then let simmer for roughly 3 minutes or so.  Taste and add seasoning as needed.

2. Remove pan from heat. Place 2 heaping tablespoons of tomato sauce into the ramekins.  Top with 1 big scoop of black beans and top with sprinkling of shredded cheese and another tablespoon of tomato sauce. Finally, make a little divot  into the mixture and crack one egg into each ramekin.  Top with a sprinkling of salt and pepper.

3. Place ramekins onto a baking sheet and place into oven.  Bake for 8 minutes. Take out of oven and top with a bit more cheese and then let it bake for another 2 minutes or so. You want the middle of the ramekins to be soft and jiggly (yes, ‘jiggly’ is a completely legitimate cooking term). Take out of oven and garnish as needed.

Mexican Egg Bake Jewhungry the blog

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