Jewhungry kosher food blog veggie cheese fries

Good news! I’m no longer nauseous. I have passed the unbelievably unpleasant 3 months of sickness and overall yuckiness of first trimester pregnancy and I’m back to eating EVERYTHING I SEE. I think my current state is best represented by the gif below:

Jewhungry kosher food blog cheese fries

Excellent news for me and the growing child in my uterus. Not so great news for me and the growing junk in my trunk. Though, I’m not one not to embrace this part of pregnancy so growing junk in trunk, be damned! Pass the french fries please (and the spaghetti, and the mac n’ cheese and that basket of hush puppies over there and, also? Could I get a bite or 5 of that burrito, please?).


Jewhungry kosher food blog veggie cheese fries

Step 1: Cheese. And when you think you’re done, add more.

My biggest craving will always and forever my salt. I’ve always gone salty savory over sweet. Plus, for some reason, during this pregnancy, any time I eat sugar I feel like absolute poop. It just hits me in a way that makes me uncomfortable and again, yucky, so as much as I want all the milkshakes and hot fudge sundaes in the world, I’m just not doing it. I’m also still not doing hot coffee. That too, knocks me off my feet and not in a good way. But me and cheese? We’re back to being best buddies. Sweet hallelujah! Therefore, I bring you the following recipe.

I honestly can’t believe I haven’t done a cheese fry post before. In my mind, cheese fries are the answer to all of life’s problems. Like, maybe, if Bibi Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas got together over some cheese fries, there might just be peace in the Middle East. I’m just sayin’, no one’s tried it yet so . . .


Step 2: Top with sauteed veggies.

Step 2: Top with sautéed veggies.


Final Step: Top with EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT.

Final Step: Top with EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT.

Honestly, I set out to make this a nacho recipe and then I realized, “That’s ridiculous! I love fries! FRIES!” So I sautéed up some of my favorite veggies and delicately placed them on top of 2 different kinds of melted cheese and then topped all of THAT with spinach, cilantro, cherry tomatoes and a dollop of sour cream and bada boom, bada bing, you basically a delicious answer to the same ol’ nachos you always have. I mean, with all those veggies and leafy greens, it’s basically a salad, right?


Cheese fries or Salad?

Cheese fries or Salad?

Loaded Veggie Cheese Fries


1/2 bag of froze waffle fries
1 zucchini, diced small
1 small eggplant, cut in 1/2 inch rounds
1 red pepper, diced small
4 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup of Monterrey Jack cheese
1/2 cup of Pepper Jack cheese
1/2 cup of fresh spinach, chopped
1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
handful of cilantro, chopped
2 radishes, sliced thin
Cotija cheese (optional)
sour cream
Kosher salt
pepper (to taste)
1/2 tbsp cumin
1/2 tbsp garlic powder


Place sliced eggplant on paper towels, cover with kosher salt and let ‘sweat’ for 30 minutes (minimum). Once done, dab excess moisture with paper towel and dice eggplant small.

Cook fries based upon directions on bag (tip: cook your fries on a cookie sheet lined with tin foil so that when you top with cheese, you won’t be cleaning melted cheese off your sheet pan).

Place olive oil in a saute pan on the stove over medium-high heat. Place diced eggplant in the pan and cook for roughly 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the red peppers and zucchini as well as the garlic powder, pepper, cumin and cook for another 5 – 7 minutes, continuing to stir occasionally.

Once fries are done, turn off oven, take out the fries and top with shredded cheese. Let melt on their own for a minute and then place for an additional minute in the warmed (but turned off) oven. Once melted, top with veggies, greens, tomatoes, radishes, Cotija cheese and sour cream and really anything else your heart desires.

Enjoy your salad fries!


Avocado Matzah Toast Jewhungry Kosher blog

2011 Whitney is giggling like a little school girl right now. See, I was just starting out in this blog game and I already had a girl-crush on one special food blogger—-one Amy Kritzer from What Jew Wanna Eat. I loved her creativity. I loved that she didn’t fit into any textbook definition of “Jewish”. I loved that she gave voice to a Jewish crowd that loves Jewish food and their cultural identity. Plus, she’s funny. Fast forward 2 years and I’m receiving an email from her asking if I’d like to collaborate on an e-cookbook.  I mean, are you kidding me!?!?! I didn’t even have to think about it. YES! And then my husband was all, “You work full time, you have an infant and you are going to write a cookbook in 6 weeks!?!?” Again . . . YES!! Amy asked me!! Clearly, he didn’t understand the amazingness of the situation as much as I did. Marine scientists? What are ya gonna do?  Anywho, you can find out more about our cookbook in Amy’s post below so let me keep on gushing. I am extremely grateful to Amy for making this here guest post and for being a mentor to me in this blogging world. I truly admire her career. I admire her take on food. I admire her for her fun outlook on life and most importantly, I admire her for being incredibly successful and not taking herself so seriously. Check out the post and recipe below. I hope everyone is having a happy, peaceful and meaningful Passover.


Hello, y’all! Amy from What Jew Wanna Eat here. I’m pumped to guest post for Whitney today. I don’t remember how I first found Whitney and her adorable blog, but I was immediately drawn in by her candid stories and cuter than cute family (not to mention, mutual love of Jewy blog names).

Avocado Matzah Toast Jewhungry Kosher Blog

Last year, I got to know Whitney even better when we wrote a Passover e-book along with Sarah and Liz. Not only was it super fun chatting with Whitney and the girls on our weekly video chats, but I got to see first hand some of her creative recipes like Zucchini Fries with Horseradish Aioli and Mashed Potato Bar (um, can I eat a mashed potato bar every night?)  So when Whitney recently announced she’s expecting baby number two, I was obviously psyched, but sad to learn she had pretty much only eaten matzah ball soup her first trimester! I love matzah ball soup as much as the next Jew, but there is such thing as too much of a good thing.

Avocado Matzah Toast Jewhungry Kosher Blog

Now that it’s Passover, I thought Whitney could use some easy, kid-friendly, chametz-free noshes. My go-to breakfast of late is the Pinterest-worthy avocado toast, so I thought why not create a Passover version? This one has a Middle Eastern inspiration with za’atar, and a little kick from crushed red pepper (for my Texas roots).


Avocado Matzah Toast Jewhungry kosher blog


Avocado Matzah Toast with Za’atar and Radishes



1 small avocado

1 teaspoon za’atar, or to taste (if not eating kitniyot, leave out sesame seeds)

½ lemon, juiced

2 matzot

¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)

2 radish, sliced thin with a knife or mandolin

1 hard boiled egg, sliced thin

Drizzle extra virgin olive oil



In a small bowl, mash together avocado, za’atar and lemon juice with a fork. Carefully spread on matzah pieces, making sure not to break matzah. Sprinkle with crushed red pepper and garnish with radish, egg, and olive oil. Nosh!


Chocolate chip cookie cake kosher passover jewhungry blog

Ummmmm, is this not the most amazing cake you’ve ever seen? And it’s KOSHER FOR PASSOVER! That part, I cannot get over. Melinda at Kitchen Tested made this for my birthday (which, yet again, falls on Passover) and I’m just so touched and overwhelmed by it’s creativity and beauty. I mean, look at the thing. This sure beats all those dang potato starch cakes from Passover birthdays of yore. See below for Melinda’s post, the recipe to this glorious post PLUS, an opportunity to win something fancy!

Chocolate chip cookie cake kosher passover jewhungry blog


Happy early birthday, Whitney! I know your birthday isn’t for another week but how could I resist giving you this beautiful cake, right?!?! Okay, so it’s story time…

My birthday is in May and normally Passover is over already but one year when I was a kid, my birthday actually fell out right in the middle of this chometz-free holiday! My cousin and I celebrated our birthdays together rolling down amazing grassy hills at our Passover program, playing with snails and hanging out with our families. When it was time for dessert, we each got our own cake to blow out the candles then everyone wanted a slice. What came next was a tasteless Passover cake with an overly sweet frosting…NOT good! Not good at all. To this day, I still think about that cake and how it made me feel like I never wanted to have a Passover birthday again. But that has all changed! Forget about the potato starch, matzoh cake meal and imitation vanilla! It’s time for cakes that you could eat all year long that just happen to be Passover friendly and delicious.


So now let’s get to your special birthday cake. These layers of chocolate chip cookie cake, whipped cream and chocolate ganache are EVERYTHING!



Chocolate chip cookie cake kosher passover jewhungry blog


QUICK TIP *How to line a round pan with parchment paper: Place the round pan on top of a sheet of parchment paper. Using a knife with a sharp tip, trace the pan on to the parchment paper then set the pan aside. The traced circle should easily pull away from the rest of the parchment. Spray the pan with cooking spray, place the parchment circle inside of the pan then spray the pan again with more cooking spray. Set aside until ready to bake.

Chocolate chip cookie cake kosher passover jewhungry blog


(Whitney, again) Also, because I am so grateful to you for reading this blog, I thought I’d do a birthday giveaway in honor of you! I found the perfect present for you too! A matzah cell phone case from Amanda at Sealed with a Case.  Cases are available for the iPhone 4/4S, 5/5S, 6/6 plus as well as the Samsung Galaxy models – and they are available with black, white or clear sides. You can enter by clicking the following link —-> (a Rafflecopter giveaway)
unnamedChocolate chip cookie cake kosher passover jewhungry blog

Chocolate chip cookie cake kosher passover jewhungry blog


The chocolate chip cookie layer is made with almond flour and it is light and fluffy, just like a piece of cake. You can even make regular sized chocolate chip cookies with this recipe so double the recipe and you can have cake AND cookies. Did I mention that this recipe is completely dairy free and grain free? Let’s just call this cake “healthy” and eat more than one slice!

Passover Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake


Chocolate Chip Cookie Batter

3 cups almond flour

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

2 eggs

⅔ cup honey

½ cup coconut oil, melted (or vegetable oil)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 ½ cups chocolate chips


Chocolate Ganache:

1 cup chocolate chips

¼ cup whipping cream


Whipped Cream:

1 cup whipping cream (suggested brand: Rich Whip)

1 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp vanilla extract



Bake the Cookies

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. and line three 8 or 9 inch round pans with parchment paper *quick tip below on a quick way to line a round pan with parchment.

In a mixing bowl, blend the almond flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, honey, coconut oil and vanilla extract. Pour the liquid into the dry and stir until just combined. Add the chocolate chips and stir again. Chill the batter in the fridge for 15 minutes.

When the cookie batter has chilled, separate the batter into the 3 prepared round pans and spread out with a spatula. To make sure each pan has the same amount of batter, use a measuring cup to place the batter in the pans. 

Bake for 30-35 minutes, until the tops of the cookies have turned golden brown and the center of the cookies have set. Leave the cookies inside the pan on the counter to cool completely. When the cookies are cool, run a sharp knife around the edges then flip on to a cooling rack. Peel off the parchment paper and discard it.

Prepare the Ganache and Whipped Cream

In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the whipping cream, sugar and vanilla extract. Whip on high until stiff peaks form.

While the whipped cream is whipping, prepare the chocolate ganache by combining the chocolate chips and more whipping cream in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds then stir. Microwave for another 30 seconds then stir again until the chocolate has melted. 

Stack the Cake

Place the first cookie on a cake platter or plate and top with a third of the chocolate ganache. Allow to set for just a few minutes then add a large dollop of the whipping cream and spread on the cake. Top with a second cookie then repeat the layering process two more times, ending with chocolate ganache and whipped cream on top of the cake. Top the cake with chocolate shavings and birthday candles!




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