

Friends! It’s us, the 4 Bloggers who dish, otherwise known as Amy from What Jew Wanna Eat, Liz from Kosher Like Me, Whitney from Jewhungry and Sarah from The Patchke Princess. If you follow any of our blogs, you know that about one and a half years ago, we co-authored a Passover Recipe entitled, “4 Bloggers Dish: Passover; Modern Twists on Traditional Flavors“. We had a ball writing that book and have shared a special connection ever since. We share in our success, both food and non-food related. It’s pretty awesome.

So, to celebrate this holiday season, our second as 4 Bloggers who do, in fact, dish, we decided to get 8 of our favorite latke recipes together to share with you. Check them out below and, if you’re interested, you can also check out our book by clicking on the title listed in the paragraph above. Chappy Chanukah!


Latke Recipe Round-Up Jewhungry Kosher

Cheesy Breakfast Latkes from Kosher Like Me


latke final 3

 Ramen Latkes from Jewhungry

Latke Recipe Round-Up Jewhungry Kosher

 Rainbow Latkes from What Jew Wanna Eat

Latke Recipe Round-Up Jewhungry Kosher

Cheese Latkes with Fruity Toppings (Latke Bar!) from The Patchke Princess 

Latke Recipe Round-Up Jewhungry Kosher

 Latke Gratin (contributed by Melissa Roberts) – Kosher Like Me

Latke Recipe Round-Up Jewhungry Kosher

 Carrot “cake” Latkes with Whipped Cream Cheese Topping by Jewhungry


Latke Recipe Round-Up Jewhungry Kosher

Kimchi Quesadilla Latkes by What Jew Wanna Eat 



World’s Best Classic Potato Latkes by The Patchke Princess


ramen latke kosher Jewhungry blog


Hey there. Long time, no see. In case you forgot, my name is Whitney and I blog about kosher food, parenting, and life as a school counselor in Los Angeles. I’d be writing this blog for a little over 2 years when I decided to call it quits this past summer.

The decision to call it quits was a hard one but then, all of a sudden, it wasn’t. I was with my oldest kiddo, Siona, at the beach when the decision hit me. It was a Sunday. It was gorgeous outside and we had decided to haul ourselves to Venice beach for our morning activity. I was roughly 7 months pregnant at the time and tired but feeling good. Siona was playing in the sand and I was messing around on Instagram when I realized, after scrolling through picture after picture of glorious new posts from my fellow food bloggers, that I hadn’t posted anything to the blog in weeks and I was fine with it. Actually, I was more than fine. I was relieved. Finding the time to cook something, take the pictures, edit said pictures, and then write a post was just not happening anymore. My husband was in Miami all last year (He’s back! Hallelujah!) and working full-time while caring for our toddler was just a weeeeeee bit of a time suckage. I had managed to squeeze out a few posts last year but it just got too much. So, cut to that sunny day and my decision was made. I thought I would feel like I was missing something when I gave it up. I kept waiting for that feeling of foodie “FOMO” (Fear Of Missing Out) to come up during the ensuing weeks and it just didn’t. Instead, my focus has been on becoming an expert in my job as a Director of Counseling, of caring for my kids (Oh! I had another baby!) and of spending time with my husband. But, to be honest, another reason I stopped with the blogging was because I needed a break from the blogging world.

I’ve been reading blogs for the last 5 years. The majority of the blogs I read are/were food blogs with the occasional dip into the parent blogging world. However, over the last 2 years, my focus shifted from mostly food blogs to parenting blogs. I wanted to connect with other parents who blogged, especially moms, and I liked reading stories that I felt related to my own experiences. However, during the last year I started noticing a shift in how bloggers were writing and being celebrated as parenting experts. We live in a world where society has given expertise-status to some of these bloggers. Well-intentioned friends and friends of friends have posted pieces by bloggers, bloggers who have absolutely no background in mental health or childhood development, and have shared these pieces on their Facebook profiles as gospel on child-rearing. Their advice is not housed in data or evidence-based and yet, they’re getting book deals and being celebrated as experts in a field that isn’t really theirs. That isn’t to say that they aren’t experts in raising their own children, but that certainly doesn’t mean they should be giving seminars on adolescent development. As someone who does have a background in mental health and childhood development, this was driving me crazy and I needed a break. I also needed to be honest with my own participation in this phenomenon and take a step back from my own contributing behaviors so I wouldn’t be a big a** hypocrite. And so, with that time to reflect, I decided I should take several steps back and reevaluate whether or not this is something I want to pursue.

{Gets off soap box}

And so, I’ve taken a break and it’s been a good one. This isn’t the relaunching of Jewhungry. I still really don’t feel like going through all the hard work it takes to run a food blog. I have no desire to make it my full-time job when I have a full-time job I really love and a full-time family that I really love even more. Instead, I hope to be posting here and there on The Nosher, as long as the lovely Shannon will allow me. But for the time being, I will drop this ramen recipe on ya so head on over to The Nosher to get it cause it’s a good one.

OK, gots to go. Billy on the Street is on.


ramen latke kosher jewhungry


Lately, on the Jewhungry Instagram page (@jewhungry)


PicMonkey Collage


and now, back to ramen latkes . . .



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Friends! Hi! How are you? I’m doing well. Just in the midst of finishing up a school year, planning for summer school health class, growing a baby and, of course, EATING! I’m also making new friends. One said new friend is Ari over at ModernTribe. Y’all know about ModernTribe, right? ModernTribe loves bringing meaningful Judaica and Jewish gifts that fit your personal style, help you express your Jewishness your way, and proudly share traditions with friends and loved ones.

I was contacted by Ari to host a giveaway for ModernTribe and was happy to find out that ModernTribe and I have so much in common. Not only are we both from Atlanta but we love being Jewish and especially embrace our kitschy Jewishness with all of our hearts. And so, in celebration of our shared embrace of Jewish kitsch and in prep for Father’s Day, ModernTribe and I wanted to host a giveaway.

Up for grabs? Jews Glasses: A set of four glasses, each featuring a different category of famous Jews: writers, artists, entertainers, and thinkers. Now every “meh” meal with the mishpocheh (family) can be a meeting of the minds (see below for how to enter)!


Jewish Thinkers: Moses Maimonides, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Marx, Hannah Arendt, Baruch Spinoza

Jewish Artists: Lee Krasner, Amedo Modigliani, Marc Chagall, Man Ray, Camille Pissarro

Jewish Writers: Isaac Bashevis Singer, Susan Sontag, Franz Kafka, Allen Ginsberg, Gertrude Stein

Jewish Entertainers: Benny Goodman, Leonard Bernstein, Fanny Brice, Al Jolson, Harry Houdini

Jewhungry Modern Tribe Giveaway


How to enter: Click the following Rafflecopter link: a Rafflecopter giveaway.  There are multiple ways to enter and you can even enter daily.

Good luck!

Jewhungry Modern Tribe Giveaway

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