Chocolate Almond FLour donuts jewhungry kosher blog


I am an extremely scheduled person. I need my routine and schedule to feel ‘contained’. I need it to feel safe. I’d like to be all, ‘I go wherever the wind takes me’, but with a full time job, 2 kids, a husband and a hobby or two, my structure and routine is what gets me through the day. When I studied adolescent development and learned more about attachment theory and how structure and boundary-setting is not only beneficial for child development but also for caregiver attachment, I didn’t quite understand just how much it is needed until I had kids of my own. Heck, I didn’t realize how much I needed it as an adult until I had two little people and myself to care for. I recently started yet another side gig (this one in the home decor side of life — you can find my yarn art and boho mobiles HERE and see more pictures below) and when talking to a friend about it she asked me how I find the time. I reflected on that question a lot for some reason and realized it wasn’t so much that I was ‘finding’ the time as ‘creating’ the time via my daily routine. By the time I get home, it’s ‘go’ time. My husband and I are switching off between bathing children, doing laundry, cooking dinner, cleaning dinner, playing with children and then getting children ready for bed. Every afternoon/evening is a sprint but it’s worth it because by 8pm, the kids are in bed and that’s when I get my ‘me’ time. That’s how I find the time. I create it in order to take care of myself so that, in the end, I can take care of them.

chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog


chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog

Speaking of time, I am finally on spring break and am loving every second of it. I also finally went camping with the kids for the first time. I had been kind of dreading camping with kids for a long time. I used to have this giant fear of being tired. It so consumed me, this fear of being tired, that it actually prevented me from doing things like camping with my husband and Siona. But a person learns a lot about themselves after a year of solo-parenting while pregnant, including that one can survive and function on very little sleep and massive amounts of coffee. So, with that in mind, I told husband I was ready to give camping with kids a try . . . so long as he packed all the coffee in the world. Next thing you know, we’re packing up the car and headed for Anzo Borrego, CA. It’s not every day your husband plans a camping trip for you in the desert during a heat wave. Hot doesn’t even begin to describe what this was. Sadly, because it was as hot as it was, our camping trip was cut short by a night and we ended up only staying one night. BUT, we truly made the most of it and the girls were friggin’ champs. We also saw a real live roadrunner and heard coyotes howling at the moon so . . . worth it (pics from the trip are below).

chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog


chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog


Anyway, I wanted to bring you a chocolatey treat before you finish your Passover meal-planning. I also wanted to send a friendly reminder that egg creams are completely kosher for Passover and should absolutely be enjoyed. I had my first egg cream when I visited my now in-laws in 2009 and it is now a family tradition to enjoy one (or several) each Passover. It’s honestly a simple thing and, truth be told, I would not really enjoy someone adding seltzer to my chocolate milk but for some reason, during Passover, it’s so frikkin’ delicious. I hope you enjoy! Happy Passover!

P.S. This recipe is dedicated to my friend, David Wolkin, who is part Jewish Hipster superhero extraordinaire and part grouchy ol’ Jewish zaidy who just wants to be left alone with his egg creams and his white fish. This is for you, buddy. Also, your wife is AWESOME. Seriously, how’d you score that one!?

chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog

Saying ‘good night moon’ in the Anzo Borrego desert.


chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog

My squishy face, Ed.


chocolate almond flour donuts kosher passover jewhungry blog

Sunrise in the desert


The last of the blooming cacti for the season.

The last of the blooming cacti for the season.


One of my wall-hangings - found on my Etsy shop.

One of my wall-hangings – found on my Etsy shop, LadyPops Shops


A customizable mobile - found on my Etsy site.

A customizable mobile – found on my Etsy site.


Chocolate Almond Flour Donuts with Egg Creams


  • 3/4 cup almond flour
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened dark cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 eggs (separated)
  • 3 tablespoons vegatable oil
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Whole Milk
  • Seltzer
  • Chocolate Syrup


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl combine almond flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.
  3. Separate eggs and combine yolks with remaining wet ingredients.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until combined.
  5. Beat egg whites with a hand held mixer until almost stiff, about 5 minutes
  6. Fold egg whites into batter until just combined.
  7. Pour batter into donut pan.
  8. Bake for 12-13 minutes. Remove from pan and transfer to cooling rack.
  10. Pour the 1/2 cup whole milk into a very cold 12-ounce glass.
  11. Slowly pour in the seltzer, then gently add the syrup.
  12. Using a long spoon, stir well and serve.


quinoa sushi kosher jewhungry blog

Passover was different for me as a kid than it is for me as an adult. With the best of intentions and tradition at heart, my mom set out to make sure we celebrated and observed Passover as best she could. There was no looking for chametz and certainly no mysterious final search complete with feathers and a candle (Do me a favor and try to explain that tradition to someone who isn’t Jewish. “Oh, we go around the house with a feather, a candle and a paper bag looking for pieces of bread that we’ve intentionally laid to be found. It’s totally normal.”  Trust me. We don’t. seem. normal).

But anyway, I digress. My point is we didn’t grow up with a lot of observance but we definitely grew up with a lot of tradition. For example, as a young kiddo, my beloved grandpa would say, in a clear, booming voice, “LO! This is the bread of affliction!” He was so loud that I’m positive our Christian fundamentalist neighbors heard us (and loved it!). But, as we got older and our grandparents couldn’t travel, that job fell to my brother. The Seder meal food was always the same. Every year, every attendant received  an elegant dish full of the saltiest water and one hardboiled egg, which at no other time in life seems good but during an incredibly long Seder seems akin to eating a bagel and lox. It’s that good (and Seder is that long).

quinoa sushi kosher jewhungry blog


quinoa sushi kosher jewhungry blog


My beloved brother and my girls

My beloved brother and my girls

But now that I’m an adult and living a bit more of an observant life and my oldest is finally old enough to actually have memories and like, keep them and stuff, I’ve been thinking a lot about what Passover memories she’ll take with her as an adult. Maybe it’ll be that time last Passover when we drove from Asheville, NC to Atlanta to visit family and had to stop at a local mountain gas station so that I could make us a Kosher for Passover meal of egg salad and matzah (the locals thought we were craaaaaaaaaay). Or maybe it’ll be this year as she sits through her first Seder (or at least some of her first Seder). Who knows? Whatever those memories are though, I hope they bring her happiness as mine do for me.

My little loves. What memories will they take with them?

My little loves. What memories will they take with them?

quinoa sushi kosher jewhungry blog

So, the recipe! One glorious thing that the health food world has given us is quinoa and though the Rabbis TRIED to take it away from us by deeming only certain kinds of quinoa Kosher for Passover, I have clung to it like white on Sephardic rice. The recipe for this post can be eaten with or without the matzah crunch. I just LOVE sushi with tempura crunch so thought, why not matzah!? Fry it up in some butter and let those bad boys sing! Also, Kosher for Passover nori DOES exist so before you write me telling me it doesn’t, know that I’ve done my research.

Quinoa Sushi with Matzah Crunch


  • 2 parboiled asparagus stems
  • Handful of cilantro
  • ¼ avocado, sliced into strips
  • 1cup quinoa
  • 2 cups vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp ice cold water
  • 1/2 tbsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1/2 matzah broken up into tiny bits (I suggest putting it into a sandwich bag and then breaking it up).
  • 2 kosher for Passover Nori sushi sheet (Natural Earth sells them KFP)


  1. FOR QUINOA - Place quinoa into a saucepan, add 2 cups of vegetable stock and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer and cook for about 15 minutes, stirring from time to time, or until tender. Place cooked quinoa in a bowl and allow to cool completely. Once cooled, separate out 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa into a bowl. Add the honey and mix to combine.
  2. FOR OMELETTE - Heat a tsp of oil in a small pan over medium heat. Whisk together the eggs and cold water. Pour egg mixture into the pan and cook for 3 minutes. Reduce heat to low. Add garlic and salt to the omelette and cover pan with a lid. Cook for another 2 minutes or until the eggs are set. Remove from pan and cut into 1/2 strips. Clean out pan.
  3. TO MAKE MATZAH CRUNCH - Using your clean omlette pan, add the tbsp of butter to pan and place it over medium heat. Once melted, add the broken bits of matzah to the pan. Stir continuously until golden brown. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. TO MAKE SUSHI - Place a nori sheet on a bench (or a bamboo sushi mat, if using). Spread quarter of the quinoa mix on half of the nori sheet, working from the edge closest to you and right to the sides. Layer avocado, omelette, asparagus and cilantro across the middle of the quinoa and lighting the edge closest to you, begin to tightly wrap the rolls all the way to the end. Run a wet finger over the edges of the nori paper to seal the roll. Trim ends with a sharp knife, then cut into 1/2 rounds and top with matzah crunch. Serve with the ever so delicious kosher for passover soy sauce.


double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel


double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel

Alright, alright. I got one more hamantaschen recipe for ya. What can I say? I like triangle-shaped cookies that can indulge my love of toppings or ‘fixin’s’, as we say down South. Oh man, I love fixin’s. Gimme alllllll the toppings. Be them sweet or savory, I love toppings. As a kid, I had some weird eating habits that revolved around toppings or condiments. One of my favorites was a baked potato in which I would top with shredded cheese and salad dressing (a vinaigrette was my preferable dressing for this delicious dish).

double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel


double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel


I also went through a phase in which I ate lunch foods for breakfast. This included, but was not limited to, microwaveable mac n’ cheese and Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs. Have I mentioned I should be 500 pounds? Anywho, for as much as I love condiments (I’ll take all the mayonnaise please), there are a few condiments that if you were to put them on my food, I might threaten to shiv you. These include mustard (Only on hot dogs and THAT IS IT), whipped cream (Waste of calories. It’s just fluffy air), shredded coconut (NEVER. EVER. EVER.). But tehina, yes please!! Oh my goodness, just put it on everything, especially these cookies. I based these hamantaschen off of Danielle Oron’s Salted Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies, made beautifully by Molly Yeh. I’ve been following Danielle on Instagram for a while and truly love what she’s doing with food, especially since she brings so much tehina into the mix. So I took the flavors from those amazing looking salted tahini chocolate chip cookies and made them into a hamantaschen. I think it worked out nicely. Maybe you’ll make them and let me know?

Me in Middle School, circa 1993, probably dreaming about something with cheese and mayonnaise on it.

Me in Middle School, circa 1993, probably dreaming about something with cheese and mayonnaise on it.

double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel


Double Chocolate Hamantaschen with Tahini + Caramel Drizzle


  • ½ cup butter (or margarine), room temperature
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp milk
  • 1 Tbsp cold, brewed espresso or strong coffee
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/8 cup cocoa powder (I prefer Hershey’s Special Dark)
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 egg + 1 tsp water (egg wash)
  • 1/4 cup dark and white chocolate chips - FOR FILLING
  • 1/4 cup caramel sauce
  • 1/4 cup raw tahini
  • Maldon sea salt


  1. Beat the butter and sugar together until smooth.
  2. Add egg, milk, espresso, and vanilla until mixed thoroughly.
  3. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, cocoa powder, and saltl. Slowly add dry mixture to wet mixture until incorporated.
  4. Note: if the dough is too soft, increase flour amount by 1/4 cup of flour until firm.
  5. Shape dough into a disk, wrap in saran wrap and chill for AT LEAST an hour.
  6. On a floured work surface, roll out dough to a scant 1/4-inch thickness. With a 2 3/4-inch round cutter, or wide=rimmed drinking class, cut out circles; place on parchment-lined baking sheets. Gather scraps, chill, and repeat.
  7. Whisk together remaining egg and 1 teaspoon water in a bowl. Brush circle edges with egg wash. Place 1 rounded teaspoon chocolate chips in center of each circle.
  8. Lift sides of dough toward center, over filling, to form a triangle; pinch seams together. Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes.
  9. Preheat oven to 350 degrees with rack in center.
  10. Bake cookies on a parchment-lined baking sheet, 1 sheet at a time, about 12 minutes.
  11. Let cool 5 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.
  12. Dip a small spoon into the caramel sauce and drizzle over cooled cookies. Repeat with tahini.
  13. Top with sprinkling of Maldon sea salt.

double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel

double chocolate hamantaschen tahini caramel

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