jewhungry kosher cinnamon rolls


It’s a sick day in my place today. It’s been a sick-several-weeks in our place, to be honest. But today I finally gave in and took the day off. I’m coughing myself into a headache and my body is so tired it feels like I’ve run a marathon or 5 (or so I imagine this is what one’s body feels like after a marathon. I have never and WILL never run a marathon) but still, I feel guilty about taking off a day of work. I’ve been working since I graduated college (not counting that one summer I spent working the local Marietta, GA department store of Upton’s. The music rotation still runs through my head) and I still feel guilty when I take off work when I’m actually sick. What is that?! When will the guilt end!?!


jewhungry kosher cinnamon rolls


I usually end up getting sick some time in between the high holidays. During my non-observant days, I used to lounge around watching TV on holidays. I’d occasionally hit up the local synagogue but those days off of work were really a day off. I rested. I relaxed. It was necessary. But my observant days have brought me mad-dashes to the supermarket, trying to find a babysitter so someone can entertain the girls while I cook and then cooking even more on those holidays because, unlike Shabbat, one can actually cook on certain high holidays. I love hosting and I love feeding friends and family on holidays but it wears me out every single year. I am highly impressed with those of you who can put out a gorgeous homemade spread by the time Yom Kippur break fast rolls around. Several years ago my husband and I decided to give ourselves a break (no pun intended) by making the only dish out there that satiates all of our tastebuds and need for carbs and salt after a long day of fasting. Of course, I’m talking about . . . the tuna noodle casserole. We class it up by adding lots of frozen organic vegetables and using whole wheat noodles, for health and stuff and sometimes I add several cheeses. It’s a real delight. It’s also an extremely low-maintenance dish and enjoyed with a Diet Coke, it’s my idea of heaven after 25 hours of not eating and drinking. It’s the break I need after the craziness of Rosh Hashanah.

jewhungry kosher cinnamon rolls
jewhungry kosher cinnamon rolls

This year, for Sukkot, we’ll be heading for a little cabin in Topanga Canyon for a break from the hustle and bustle of the Valley. The plan is to do nothing. There will be no mad-dashing. I plan on not overdoing anything and there will no hosting. Just the four of us in the woods. I’m extremely excited. I will also be bringing these cinnamon rolls along to enjoy the entire weekend away. That’s the good thing about cinnamon rolls — there are 12 of them and only 4 of us (3 if you don’t count the baby. This baby is not eating an entire cinnamon roll) so there’s plenty for a whole 2-day holiday.

jewhungry kosher cinnamon rolls

Recently, on the Jewhungry Instagram page: Siona + our friend, Reid, on their Rosh Hashanah bestie dinner; my ‘new fruit’ cheese plate; Siona’s interpretation of our family as challah; pumpkin cake with vegan cream cheese icing.


I hope everyone is having a wonderful 5777 so far. Sending lots of love your way!

jewhungry kosher cinnamon rolls


Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls with Pomegranate Icing
(Cinnamon roll dough recipe inspired by Gimme Some Oven’s AMAZING 1-hour recipe)

*Products sponsored by Seasons Kosher Markets



  • 1 cup milk (I used 2%)
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 envelope instant or ‘rapid rise’ yeast (approx. 2 1/4 tsp)
  • 1 egg

Chocolate Cinnamon-Sugar Filling:

  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp instant espresso powder
  • 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup butter, completely softened
  • pinch of flaky sea salt

Pomegranate Cream Cheese Icing:

  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup cream cheese, softened
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp pomegranate juice
  • 1 Tbsp. milk (if needed)



Combine milk and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat on high for 1 minute, then remove and stir. Continue heating in 20 second intervals, pausing after each to stir, until the butter is melted and the milk is warm to the touch but not hot. If needed, let the milk mixture sit for a few minutes until it is warm but not hot.

In a separate bowl, whisk together 3 cups flour (not all of the flour), sugar and salt until combined.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment, add yeast and lukewarm milk mixture and stir by hand to combine. Add the flour mixture and egg, and beat on medium-low speed until combined. If the dough is sticking to the sides of the bowl, add the remaining flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until the dough begins to form a ball and pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Continue beating for 5 minutes on medium-low speed. Remove the dough hook and cover the bowl with a damp towel and let rest for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, make your filling by whisking together sugars. instant espresso powder and cinnamon in a bowl until combined.

When the dough is ready, turn it out onto a floured work surface. Then use a floured rolling pin to roll the dough out into a large rectangle, about 14 x 9 inches in size. (If you want all edges to be even, you can use a pizza slicer to cut the dough into a perfect rectangle.) Use a knife or pastry spatula to spread the softened 1/4 cup of butter out evenly over the entire surface of the dough. Then sprinkle evenly with the cinnamon and sugar mixture. Sprinkle the chocolate chips evenly over the cinnamon and sugar mixture.

Beginning at the 14-inch edge, tightly roll up the dough. And then give the final seam a little pinch so that it seals. Cutt off the two ends of the roll (an inch on each end – discard that dough) so that they are even. Then cut the remaining dough into 11 or 12 equal pieces.

Place each of the cut cinnamon rolls into a greased pie plate or 9 x 13-inch baking dish. Then cover again with a damp towel, and leave the dish in a warm place to rise for 25 minutes.

While the dough is rising, make the icing (instructions below).

When the rolls have risen, uncover the dish. Then place on the center rack of the oven and bake at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes, or until the rolls are golden and cooked through. Remove and let cool on a wire rack for at least 5 minutes. Drizzle with your desired icing and serve.


Either in the bowl of an electric stand mixer, or a mixing bowl, whisk softened butter and cream cheese together until combined. Then whisk in powdered sugar until combined. Whisk in the pomegranate juice to the mixture, which will also thin out your icing if it’s too thick. If the icing is still too thick, add a tablespoon or two of milk to thin.



jewhungry kosher food blog


Well, the holidays are officially upon us. Even though I am steeped in food on the regular, I am still waaaaaaay behind in my holiday preparations. I haven’t even menu planned. Blargh!! I do this to myself every. single. year. I invite a ton of people over because I LOVE LOVE LOVE hosting but then I end up all stressed out the day of first night dinner because I’m running around trying to get sh*t done. It also doesn’t help that I have a strict 8:30pm bedtime (I work full time and have 2 kids. I’m in survival mode here, people) so there’s no staying up super late and doing tons of baking for me. Nope, I’d rather just woman up and deal with it come the day of the holiday. The good news, however, is that I know a few people in food with some amazing food blogs so inspiration is but a click and an hour of web-surfing away. The other bit of good news is that I’ve been writing for a lovely website called,, an organization whose mission is to support interfaith families exploring Jewish life. I’ve written several posts for them over the couple months so I thought I’d get organized and give you a look-see. I also had the IMMENSE pleasure of writing a guest post for Chanie at Busy in Brooklyn. All links will be posted below! I hope you get some inspiration for your holidays or your daily meal-planning. Shanah Tovah!

Jewhungry kosher food blog

Roast Cauliflower and Sweet Potato wit Figs + Tahini

Jewhungry kosher food blog

Cilantro, Lime + (Coconut Milk) Yogurt Grilled Chicken Wings

Jewhungry kosher food blog

Buffalo Quinoa Burgers

jewhungry kosher food blog

Fall Farmer’s Market Salad

Jewhungry the kosher blog

Semolina Cara Cara Orange Cake

Shanah Tovah, from the littlest little queen and me!

Shanah Tovah, from the littlest little queen and me!


pimento cheese kosher challah jewhungry


Oh. Hi there. Remember me? No? Me either.


JUST KIDDING! I’m back . . . a little. To be honest, I haven’t really left. I’ve just been guest posting over at Busy in Brooklyn and writing for (recipe round-up for them is coming). I’ve also been knee-deep in adolescent mental health as the school year is in full swing and therefore, I’m back in the mix at the day job as a Director of Counseling at an area high school. I’ve also been trying very hard to leave some space this year for self-care, which started out really well. I joined a gym and subsequently actually attended the gym for a whole full 10 days . . . and then the kids got sick and my husband’s work/PhD-writing schedule took over and I haven’t been in 2 weeks. I miss it. I don’t miss the intensity of some of the other patrons or the feeling that I’m not quite pushing myself hard enough as I enjoy my treadmill stroll while I watch other members just barely hold on while participating in their spinning class, but I do miss it. I had finally discovered the key to motivating myself into getting on the eliptical machine and really getting into it. What’s the secret, you ask? Two words:

Beyonce Videos.

That’s right, I’m the chick on the eliptical wearing outdated yoga pants from the early 2000s watching Beyonce music videos on Youtube while I sweat buckets onto the nicely polished gym floor. I’m telling you though, IT WORKS. I’m all, “Shooooot, I can do this! I’m as fit, limber and coordinated as Beyonce! Heck, I have so much rhythm on this here elliptical machine, I could be one of her backup dancers!” And yes, once off the elliptical and back in my real life, I realize the power of endorphins and how they can play tricks on the mind, like convincing a 36 year-old Jewish white woman she is as fit, limber and coordinated as Beyonce. But hey, whatever works.


pimento cheese kosher challah jewhungry


But enough about my meager attempts at self-care, we’ve got a challah to talk about. I want to acknowledge my homegirl, Molly Yeh, here as her Brown Sugar Challah with Pomegranate Glaze absolutely inspired this challah. I made it several weeks ago for the first time and fell in love with the ease of the dough recipe and wanted to experiment with fillings. I also wanted to make a challah that represented me and my flavor profiles and what’s more Southern Jewess than pimento cheese-stuff challah!?!?! I get that the pimento cheese might not be everyone’s favorite but I’m telling you, the feedback from husband and co-workers who enjoyed this loaf at work the next day was some of the most positive, re-enforcing feedback I’ve ever received on a recipe. So I say to you out there who is in doubt, give it a try. Just once. And if it’s not for you as is, slice it up and make some bada** grilled cheese with it or a savory stratta. Whatever you do, keep the dough recipe. It’s so user-friendly. Enjoy and Shanah Tovah!!!


pimento cheese kosher challah jewhungry



pimento cheese kosher challah jewhungry

Recently, on the Jewhungry Instagram page.


pimento cheese kosher challah jewhungry



pimento cheese kosher challah jewhungry


Makes One Loaf of Challah

3/4 c warm water
1 tbsp dry yeast
1 1/4 c  brown sugar
3 c all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp of cayenney pepper
1/3 c sunflower oil
3 eggs
Pimento Cheese recipe from previous Jewhungry post


1. In a measuring cup or small bowl, combine the water, yeast, and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar. Let sit for a few minutes until it gets foamy on top.

2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl or bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, mix together 1/4 cup of brown sugar, the 3 cups of flour, salt, and cayenne. In a separate bowl, mix together the oil and 2 of the eggs.

3. When the yeast has proofed, add it to the dry ingredients, immediately followed by the egg mixture. Mix to combine and knead, either on a floured surface, or with the dough hook for 7-10 minutes, adding more flour as needed, until smooth (please note I have have never made this recipe with a stand mixer — only by hand so my results are based on the ol’ fashion method of kneading by hand).

4. Transfer to an oiled bowl, cover with a damp towel, and let rise until doubled in size, about 3 hours (I like to preheat my oven to 500 and then turn it off and let the bowl sit on top of the oven with the oven door slightly ajar as it lets the heat escape and helps my dough rise, baby, RISE!)

5. While challah is rising, make your pimento cheese and let sit in a cover bowl in the fridge for roughly 2 hours. You want it to be nice and chilled as the cheese is more manageable that way.

6. Turn onto a lightly floured surface, and roll the dough out into a large (approximately 10-inch by 14-inch) rectangle. Using a flat icing spatula or spoon, spread about 1/2 to 3/4 of your pimento cheese mixture onto the dough leaving about a 1/4 inch frame of uncover dough around the cheese (if you cover the dough completely in the cheese, it will be a messy disaster once baked).  Next, roll it up like a jelly roll—rolling dough from one long edge to another as tightly as possible. Pinch the edges to seal them shut and then coil into a swirl shape with the seam side down. Place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Beat together the remaining egg with a splash of water, add another 1/2 tsp of cayenne and brush it lightly onto the challah. Let it rise for 30 more minutes while you preheat the oven to 375.

6. Bake the challah until it’s golden brown and cooked through, about 45 – 50 minutes. Because this challah is round and stuff with delicious pimento cheese, it will take slightly longer to bake than a typical loaf. It may look done on the outside after about 20 minutes, but it will still be raw on the inside. You WILL need to tent the loaf with foil after 20 minutes to prevent it from getting too done on top.

7. Once done, expect that some of that gooey, delicious cheese has escaped. That’s OK. There’s more deliciousness inside!

8. Enjoy and don’t forget to use the leftovers to make grilled cheese or cheese croutons!! Shanah Tovah!!!

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