My first encounter with fondue was Senior prom, 1998. My date was my high school boyfriend; a nice Jewish boy named Josh. We went with our close friends to the local fancy fondue joint—The Melting Pot. My girlfriends and I all go our dresses at Cache, a dress store in the mall that I’m not sure still exists. My dress was dark blue, long and with an oh-so-elegant halter top neckline. Hashtag nothing but class. I honestly don’t remember what we ate that night because what sticks out in my memory is the moment my friend, Nicole’s dress caught on fire from under the table. If you’ve ever gone to The Melting Pot, you’ll know that the sternos are built into the table. Well, our table misfired and a spark flew out and caught onto the incredibly flammable netting of my friend’s dress. Needless to say, our meal was comped that night so, you know, totally worth it.


I got the idea for this post after reading Bon Appetit’s most recent holiday issue. They profiled Chef Ludo and his adore family, which I’m pretty sure lives somewhere around me in The Valley. Anyway, Chef Ludo made his family fondue for a traditional (but with a twist!) French family breakfast. I was looking at pictures of that delicious pot of melted cheese and I found myself thinking, “Damn it! I wanna dip some latkes into that delicious pot of melted cheese!!” Fondue for Chanukah, FTW!! I, of course, had to kosher-fy the fondue recipe since it was made with non-kosher cheese. And really, while the cheese is usually always the star of any recipe, I wanted to bring you 3 different kinds of latkes for you to choose from so even if you’re not into fondue, you’ve got some great latke recipes in your back pocket.







Latke Fondue with Traditional, Sweet Potato + Chive, & Apple/Pear Latkes

Fondue Recipe (based on Bon Appetit’s recipe):

  • 1 garlic clove, halved lengthwise
  • 1/4 cup Belgian beer
  • 3/4 cups dry white wine, divided
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1/2 pound Gruyère, Edam or Swiss cheese coarsely grated
  • 1/2 pound Mini Ball cheese, grated
  • 1 tablespoons bourbon or brandy
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • Kosher salt

Fondue Directions:

Rub inside of a large saucepan with cut sides of garlic. Finely grate garlic into saucepan; add beer and 1/2 cup of wine and bring to a boil over medium heat. Whisk cornstarch and remaining 1/4 cup wine in a small bowl until no lumps remain, then whisk into liquid in saucepan. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly, then reduce heat so mixture is at a very low simmer and very gradually add Gruyère, Swiss or Edam and Mini Ball Cheese, whisking until smooth (fully incorporate each batch of cheese before adding more).

Whisk bourbon and baking soda in a small bowl to combine, then whisk into fondue, followed by lemon juice; season with salt. Transfer to a fondue pot.

Ingredients and Directions for Traditional Latkes Here

Ingredients and Directions for Sweet Potato Latkes Here – do you and me a favor – omit the carrots and add  1 more sweet potato plus 3 finely diced chives to the recipe. Also, omit the cinnamon, sugar and cardamom and add 1/2 tbsp of garlic powder, 1 tsp of cayenne, 1/2 tbsp of kosher salt and 1 tsp of black pepper.

Ingredients for Apple and Bear Latkes (recipe based on Smitten Kitchen’s):

3 sweet, firm apples (I used Pink Ladies)
2 Bosc Pears
1 tablespoon lemon juice
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 large eggs
Vegetable or Canola Oil

Peel and core apples and pear then grate them, either on the large holes of a box grater or in a food processor, on the shredding blade. Transfer to a clean dishtowel and wring out as much juice as you can over the sink. Use a second towel if necessary as getting rid of as much moisture as possible will help the crisping up of your recipe.

Transfer grated apple and pear to a medium bowl and toss with lemon juice. In a small dish, whisk flour, sugar, cinnamon and baking powder and toss with the apples, coating them evenly. Whisk eggs in this small dish until lightly beaten and stir into apple-lemon-flour mixture.

Heat a large cast-iron skillet to medium with enough oil so that your pan is filled with about 1 – 2 inches of oil (healthy!). Once the oil is hot enough, drop tablespoons full of apple batter in little piles (4 at most at one time), gently pressing them a bit flatter with a spatula. Fry until they are nicely brown underneath, about 3 to 5 minutes, then flip and continue to cook until they are browned and crisp. Drain briefly on paper towels and transfer to preheated oven to keep warm.


Vanilla Cake with Chocolate and Tahini Sauce


I swear this blog is not turning into a dessert blog. I also swear this blog is not being sponsored by a tahini company (though I wouldn’t be opposed to it . . . hint, hint tahini companies). Anyway, like I said, this blog is not necessary a dessert blog it’s just that with the holidays approaching, my husband finishing his PhD and Winter Break officially beginning, we’ve got a lot to celebrate and plenty of reasons to bake!

My crazy sous chef.

Vanilla Cake with Chocolate and Tahini Sauce


Vanilla Cake with Chocolate and Tahini Sauce

I call this recipe, “Siona’s Vanilla Cake” for two reasons. 1) It’s so easy to make that when I need to bring a quick dessert for a Shabbat dinner or potluck, she and I grab our matching Jewhungry aprons and within minutes, we’ve got ourselves a cake baking in the over and 2) this kid LOVES vanilla cake. Most cake she actually just eats the frosting off of and then doesn’t actually eat the cake but this cake? This cake she’ll devour. The additional chocolate sauce and sprinkles helps too.

I love baking with this kid. It started a couple years ago when she and I had just moved to LA and the hubby was still in Miami finishing his PhD work. I needed something for us to do on Sunday mornings and we just naturally fell into the habit of baking together. She has mastered the scrapping down of the bowl in between mixing and can sift flour like a pro-baker. Let’s not forget, she’s 4. Baking together has become such a normal part of our weekends that she actually has turned down the opportunity to watch a movie in favor of baking together. Seriously. Hashtag parenting win.


Vanilla Cake with Chocolate and Tahini Sauce


Vanilla Cake with Chocolate and Tahini Sauce

I can’t express to you how easy peasy this cake is to make. The chocolate and tahini sauce aren’t a necessity but, I mean, come on. It’s chocolate and tahini sauce so yeah, it’s a necessity. It also dresses up the cake so if you do bring it to a potluck, folks will be all, “OMG! Did you make that?! It’s gorgeous”. And you’ll be all, “Hell yeah I did. Who’s the Cake Boss now, Buddy!?”

Vanilla Cake with Chocolate and Tahini Sauce


Ingredients for Cake:

1 cup margarine (I use Earth’s Balance) at room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
3 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsps baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup vegan sour cream (I used Tofutti)
2 tablespoons clear imitation vanilla extract (this is what gives it that old timey cake flavor).

Chocolate Sauce recipe HERE

For tahini sauce:

1/4 cup raw tahini
4 tbsp of hot water

Directions for Tahini:
Combine ingredients and stir until well-combined.

Directions for Cake:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a Bundt pan with non-stick canola oil spray and set aside.

In a medium bowl, sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. Set aside.

In the bowl of a mixer, cream together the butter and sugar. With the mixer on law, add the eggs one at a time beating after each addition. Add in the flour mixture, and then the sour cream and vanilla. Beat well until combined. The batter will be thick.

Spoon the batter into the Bundt pan. Bake until golden brown, 35 to 45 minutes. (Mine took 45 minutes but every oven is different and due to the density of this batter, you will want to make sure it is clearly cooked in the middle.)

Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool in the pan for 15 minutes. Turn out onto a cooling rack and continue to cool to room temperature.

Once completely cooled, artfully drizzle the chocolate sauce onto the cake followed by the tahini sauce. Add sprinkles at your leisure.


Gingerbread Sufganiyot Jewhungry Kosher Blog


See! I told you I was going to fry up some donuts! And not just any donut, but sufganiyot! If you’re new to Jewish cuisine, let me just break it down for. Sufganiyot are, most typically, jelly-filled fried donuts enjoyed specifically during Chanukah time. I have such fond memories of wandering through the souk of Jerusalem, Machena Yehuda market, trying to find the warmest, freshest sufganiyot my then boyfriend (not husband) and I could find. My favorite moment from our time dating was hitting up the market, find previously mentioned fresh-from-the-fryer sufganiyot and then finding a private little corner in the souk to just chow down in glee! We were like little children. And now, the sweet man is in Miami about 30 minutes away from defending his thesis at The University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Atmospheric Studies. That’s right, my man is FINALLY gonna finish that Ph.D. (Pretty Hot Degree 🙂 But, in the meantime, if you want more of these gorgeous sufganiyot, head on over to for the full recipe and for a thoughts on this year’s Chanukah/Christmas mash-up!




suf-2 suf

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