
I’ve had trouble keeping a conversion journal.  That’s probably going to get me into some trouble.  I’m honestly not that great at journaling for any reason.  You give me a deadline for writing that is outside getting laughs and applause or cash payments and I’ll give you a blank stare.  I like to write I’m just not so great under pressure with the whole writing thing.  Maybe that’s why I switched my major in college from journalism to theater?  I’ve had a couple of moments this week though that made me understand what keeping a conversion journal is all about.

The hardest part about converting isn’t the change for me.  It’s the change for all of YOU.  Well, some of you.  I’ve dealt with my Christmas issues.  I’ve rearranged my mind to Jewish time.  I think about Shabbat.  I celebrate Rosh Hashanah.  I observe Yom Kippur.  Maybe I don’t do any of these things the exact correct way.  Maybe I don’t always fast.  Maybe I might sometimes choose dinner at Chilli’s and The Help over Friday night services.  Sometimes I don’t light candles.  So What.  Now it’s your turn.

I’m converting y’all.  This is pretty serious business.  I’m not doing this because Madonna started studying Kabalah or my obsession with Campbell Brown.  This is real.  I am a JEW.  I’m living a Jewish life.  I’m trying to make a real, authentic and actual change.  Things like holidays.  The High Holy Days in particular?  They are now important to me.  I won’t miss Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur services.  I won’t.  I know when Christmas and Easter are.  I have to.  The entire world seems to be vibrating both times of the year.  Please learn when my holidays are.  Please take those days into consideration.  Please.  Maybe even that is too tall an order?  I’m starting to think maybe so.  Maybe realizing that is part of this whole process?

Yes, I have always been a pretty secular person.  For the most part I still am in many ways.  I’m not going to start speaking in Hebrew or demanding washing cups or tefillin.  I don’t even want to talk about it that much to be honest.  But I am going to not necesarily hang out on Friday evenings and I won’t participate in anything that happens during Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur.  The change, I guess, might be shocking to some but what I really need right now is support.