It’s Giveaway Time – from Green Cycle Designs!

Pretty, pretty things!

Pretty, pretty things!

I like you.  I like our beautiful planet.  So, I decided to combine my love of both you AND our beautiful planet by hosting a giveaway.  The prize? A $30 credit to Green Cycle Designs (GCD), an independent company that strives to produce top quality eco-friendly home decor and accessories. All GCD creations are handmade by the artist, to support a green AND fashionable lifestyle, without breaking the bank. GCD is committed to cutting down waste, one piece of art at a time. Everything Tara, the creator and artist behind Green Cycle Design uses has had a previous life… down to the box your pieces arrive in!

Your $30 credit will get you either one large, glorious piece or several pieces of upcycled art, which you can personalize to suit your likes.  For example, if say, you wanted to get your favorite kosher food blogger a gift from Green Cycle Designs, you could request that your vase or bouquet be made out of the pages of a cookbook.  Or, if you can’t think of a book, just tell Tara what you’re looking for and she will customize the order to suit your needs.

A winner will be chosen on Tuesday, November 26th, just in time for Thanksgivukkah. Click on the “A Rafflecopter Giveaway” link below to enter – you can Tweet about it daily to up your chances of winning. GOOD LUCK!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway