Get Lazy with Whole Foods

I don’t have a precious baby, well, other than my sweet puppy, so it feels a little disingenuous to complain about my schedule.  Just know that preparing any sort of meal during the week is hard. What I usually do, what I like to do, is prepare a huge meal on Sunday that can last us a few days of the work week.  Then, I’ll pull something together to get us through the last couple of days.  I try to do that anyway.  The older I get, the more respect I have for what my mother did when I was a kid.  A new meal every night of the week.  Oh, my Lord.

Last night on the way home from work, I stopped by the Whole Foods. I figured I’d buy a huge container full of tuna salad or some other such madness.  Then?  I walked through the meat department.  I didn’t want to spend my evening baking chicken or figuring out some sort of magical meat entrée.

Then I saw the fish. Minus tuna salad, I am not that much of a fish guy.  I know I should be. Doctor Oz tells me every day that I need to make it happen with the fishes.  Enter last night.  You guys!  The Whole foods has filets of Tilapia.  Filets of Tilapia crusted with Parmesan.  You guys.  I mean…come on!  I love Tilapia.  So I got a couple filets.

Then?  Since I was feeling super lazy, I found chopped cauliflower and cut (AND SPICED!) butternut squash.  Shut your mouth!  I love a roasted vegetable more than just about anything.  I figured I’d throw all of this in the oven around the same time.  As it turns out I’m a genius.

Nope. I don’t know a thing about baking a fish filet.  That’s why Hashem invented the Internets.  I preheated the oven to 450.  I put those babies on a baking sheet.  I tossed my cauliflower with a 3 tablespoons of garlic and a little olive oil.  I put my pre-seasoned squash in a baking dish.  I put the veggies in for about 25 minutes and the fish in for about 20.  When the buzzer went off I looked like a champ.

My suggestion for tonight?  Be lazy.  Go see what Whole Foods (or grocery story of your choice) can do to make your life easier.  I mean don’t you need to catch up on old episodes of Housewives of Beverly Hills?  I know I do. l’shalom!