WHAT?  What did he just call me?  Girl calm down.  It’s the name of a drink!

I have been so busy lately being a social butterfly that I haven’t had much time to focus on our lovely little blog.  Well, I’m coming back.  My social calendar is beginning to land the plane so to speak.  Last weekend I hosted a little get together for a group of friends.  We met at my house and ordered in Thai, had a few cocktails and tons of laughs.  I was a little worried.  I can cook but don’t ask me to tend bar.  It makes me nervous.  I wanted to have a refreshing summer cocktail that was new and different and none too threatening.  What I came up with was what I like to call White Trash Sangria.

A friend of mine told me about the drink a few years ago and while I was intrigued by the idea I didn’t really have an opportunity to give it a try.  This drink recipe, much like my last blog post is a little do it yourself.  There’s a basic guideline but how you make it happen is up to you.  If you’re feeling brave you can change-up the main ingredients.  There are only two.  When I share this with you you’re going to think I’m crazy.  You’re going to turn up your nose.  But!  I promise you if you give it a try you won’t be disappointed.  Not to mention you just have to make the stuff for a party and set it out for friends to enjoy…you don’t have to say what it’s made of.


2 bottles of Red Wine

1 two litter bottle of Coke


Here’s what I did.  I took a large plastic pitcher and poured in one bottle of cheap Cabernet.  I chose Cabernet because it’s a big, full-bodied red wine that I decided could stand up to the sweetness of Coke.  There were around 10 folks coming over so when I poured the wine into my pitcher it didn’t look like that would assure everyone a glass.  So…I poured in a second bottle of the Cabernet.  Then I added 3/4 of a 2 litter bottle of cherry coke.  Again…I figured that the Cherry Coke would kick this drink up a notch.  It totally did. Once you’ve poured both into a pitcher put the mix in the fridge and let it chill.

I looked around the internet for this recipe.  I found all sorts of variations.  White Wine with Sprite.  White Wine with Orange Soda.  Red Wine with Orange Soda.  Pick two flavors that you like and go to town.  It really is tasty.  It’s sangria!  You can use one bottle of wine and one bottle of Coke.  Give it a try, but please try this it’s amazing.  You could also add some fruit to add a little festive vibe.  Apples?  Limes?  Lemons?  Oranges.  You decide.  I was too lazy for all of that.  I served it over ice to the delight and fascination of my girlfriends.  Enjoy!


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